Monday, July 13, 2009

Forsythe NWR Banding

I remove one nestling from a nest to band with U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service interns and staff. Photo by Jonathan Carlucci.

On July 8th, I visited Forsythe NWR to survey and band any osprey young that were produced. Of the 6 available platforms (2 are new structures that were installed this spring) 4 were occupied (1 new structure). Those 4 pairs produced 10 young, which are great results! This puts the average productivity rate on the refuge at 2.5 young/active nest. This is above the statewide productivity results from 2008 which was 1.88, but on par for the area (Great Bay to A.C.), which was 2.08 last year. Eight young were banded with USGS bird bands. Two young were approximately 3-5 days old when we were there and were too young to band. We plan on visiting this nest soon to determine if the pair was successful at raising its young.
I'd just like to thank Jonathan Carlucci for joining me and taking such beautiful photos that are featured in this post!
Deanna, an intern at Forsythe NWR
holds a nestling while I place a band on its leg
for future tracking. Photo by Jonathan Carlucci

A candid photo of one of the young.
Photo by Jonathan Carlucci.

I reposition one of the young while I band up at the nest.
Photo by Jonathan Carlucci.

This shows how little the young are affected by the banding process. These nestlings are
approximately 6 weeks old and tend to be more defensive at this age. I constantly try to minimize stress to the young and when I band up at the nest I simply fold back the left leg and then attach the band. The young hardly move unless you "stir them up" by moving them round. Photo by Jonathan Carlucci.

1 comment:

Greg Molyneux said...

Great work Ben, and John took some excellent shots.